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Getting Stuff Done Program
Read and Watch Before Running Session
Audio Visual Tips
How to Make a Zine Booklet (1:29)
Session 1: The Art of Being in Action (Part 1)
Teacher's Script: Download Here
Activity Sheet - Zine Booklet: Download Here
Video 1: Procrastination - What It Is and Why It Matters (3:22)
Video 2: Exploring Why We Procrastinate (2:14)
Video 3: Hacking Your Motivation to Get Started (5:49)
Session 2: The Art of Being in Action (Part 2)
Teacher's Script: Download Here
Handout Sheet - Strategies for Getting Started: Download Here
Video 1: Strategies to Combat Procrastination (7:42)
Video 2: Combat Boredom with Fun Theory (5:21)
Session 3: Managing Your Time, Energy, and Attention
Teacher's Script: Download Here
Handout Sheet - Tweaking Your Study Space
Video 1: Stolen Focus - Exploring the Attention Economy (6:29)
Video 2: Avoiding the Comparison Trap (4:44)
Video 3: Learning to Run Your Own Race (1:54)
Session 4: Creating Solid Habits
Teacher's Script: Download Here
Handout Sheet - Creating a Study Habit
Video 1: Understanding The Sizzler Effect (4:05)
Video 2: The Power of Study Habits (6:43)
Video 3: Habits for Cultivating Time Awareness (8:36)
Follow-Up Activity (Duration 10-15 Minutes)
Instructions and Resources for Teachers
Instructions and Resources for Teachers
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